G. Bailey trade card [reproduction]


Computer printout photograph of simple 19th century letterpress trade card of G. Bailey advertising new branch. Trader details in a variety of typefaces. Manuscript ink notes in John Bedford's hand regarding trader and sale of trade card. Transcription: G. BAILEY, COACH, HOUSE, SIGN, FURNITURE PAINTER, Gilder &c BAWTRY, RESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry and Public in general, that he has taken a Shop in BAWTRY, near the CROWN INN, where he intends carrying on the above Branches, and those who please to favour him with their Commands may depend upon having their Orders executed in the neatest Manner, and on the most liberal Terms. He also Cleans and Copies PAINTINGS and PRINTS on the shortest Notice. TABLES and CHAIRS Painted and Ornamented in the neatest Manner. BAWTRY, Feb. 17, 1815. Thomas and Hunsley, Printers, Doncaster.


Identifier q1y3mfvx
IRN 721565
Class Mark MS 2241/4/3/255
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/q1y3mfvx
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Support paper
Object width 135mm height 130mm
Parent Record Furniture Trade Cards, Billheads and Miscellaneous Ephemera
Creator(s) G. Bailey, Thomas and Hunsley
Date 17 Feb 1815
Size and Medium 1 printout

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