A. Bardwell trade card
Highly pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of A. Bardwell. Ornate curtain frame with elaborate swags depicted in centre of card, with chair and chaise longue inside it on patterned carpet. Around edge are cabinet, curtained window, drop leaf table, chest of drawers, table with hole cut for sink and dressing table mirror. Trader details in a variety of typefaces with decorative flourishes. Faint manuscript pencil note on reverse. Transcription: A. BARDWELL, Broker, Bedstead, Chair & Cabinet Manufacturer. Fargate, SHEFFIELD. UPHOLSTERY, FEATHER BEDS &c. Mrs Bardwell most respectfully acquaints M that she Manufactures every Article in the Cabinet & Upholstery Business on reasonable Terms and of the best Materials with substantial and elegant Workmanship. Constantly on sale: very superior New and Secondhand Furniture - also China, Glass, Lincolnshire Live Goose Feathers &c.
Identifier | m8t58qph |
IRN | 721517 |
Class Mark | MS 2241/4/3/206 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/m8t58qph |
Collection(s) | Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History |
Category | Archive |
Technique | engraving |
Medium | |
Support | pasteboard |
Object | width 78mm height 114mm |
Parent Record | Furniture Trade Cards, Billheads and Miscellaneous Ephemera |
Creator(s) | A. Bardwell |
Date | c.1825 |
Size and Medium | 1 trade card |