W. & E. Curtiss trade card (advertisement)
Elaborate 19th century lithographed trade card (advertisement) of W. & E. Curtiss, printed on reverse of piece of flocked gold and purple wallpaper with putto design. Trader services and wares described in detail, with decoration of flowers and birds. Transcription: W. & E. Curtiss, Builders, Decorators & Upholsterers, 42, Curzon St, Mayfair, W. We beg to call attention to the various brances of our business and shall be pleased to submit estimates and designs free of charge for any class of work. We have a large selection of French, Japanese leather, and English papers, including designs by eminent Artists. Sanitary Work having long been a special feature of our business, and having given much attention to the matter, both practically and theoretically, we are in a position to carry out any Work entrusted to us in a most efficient manner, none but the best materials being used and all work is thoroughly tested at completion. Existing Work tested and reported on. Should we be favoured with an opportunity, we are confident that our prices would compare favourably with other firms. Panelling in wood and Carton Pierre. BRANCHES OF TRADE. DECORATIONS. CABINET WORK. UPHOLSTERING. PAINTING. DISTEMPERING. GILDING. GLAZING. HOT WATER WORK. GAS & BELLS. ELECTRIC BELLS. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. PLUMBING. SANITARY WORK. GENERAL REPAIRS.
Identifier | td5dj967 |
IRN | 721562 |
Class Mark | MS 2241/4/3/251 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/td5dj967 |
Collection(s) | Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History |
Category | Archive |
Technique | lithograph |
Medium | |
Support | paper |
Object | width 230mm height 180mm |
Parent Record | Furniture Trade Cards, Billheads and Miscellaneous Ephemera |
Creator(s) | W. & E. Curtiss |
Date | c.1880 |
Size and Medium | 1 trade card (advertisement) |