Conistone Survey Contact Prints: E


Contact prints of photographs taken during a Survey of Vernacular Architecture around Conistone ( Wharfedale), undertaken by students on the Museums Association Diploma Curatorial Course in Folk Life and Local History, hosted by the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) in July 1971. The prints include images of stone positioning at the end of a dry stone wall (1); a window set deep into the wall of a stone dwelling house (1); a stone barn (3); a 17th century stone doorway with carved lintel (1); an unusual arched window in an old stone dwelling house (1); students and staff involved in the survey (1) and 1 miscellaneous shot, probably taken by mistake. The sheet also includes nine contact prints showing views of the workshop at F. Walkley's clog factory in Huddersfield , all of which are over-exposed. The clog factory was the subject of another field trip undertaken as part of the Museums Association Diploma course. The contact print sheet is labelled E, with subject Conistone and date 26.7.1971 in ms.


Identifier jj683zp7
IRN 413104
Class Mark LAVC/PHO/P2155
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Photographic Prints
Date July 1971
Size and Medium 1 sheet of 18 contact prints.

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