Recipes for cookery and household remedies


Contemporary pagination (irregular) 3-4, 10-11, 19-20, 23-48, 51-68, 69-71, 76-99, 104-109, 112-115, 122-127, 130-143, 148-167, 170-180. Commencing from the other end, modern ink pagination (irregular) 1-51. Written in various hands. Text begins at both ends. Bound in old stained parchment; clasps broken off


Identifier x2p7cnny
IRN 5993
Class Mark MS 24
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 16--
Size and Medium 1 vol. (194 ff.)

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