Book of the Dead


Framed papyrus, labelled: "Papyrus No. 2. Book of the Dead, written for Jed-Khensu, who bears the title of "Priest (nab) of Amen, scribe of the temple of Amen and scribe of the temple of Mut". The scene on the right shows the deceased making offerings of food and drink to the god Osiris, who sits enthroned wearing the atef - crown and holding the crook and whip sceptres. XXth to XXIInd dynasties, c. 1200-850 BC" Original library slip catalogue references: "31 vertical columns and a fragment of a 32nd in black and red hieroglyphic script."


Identifier rl3m2g5q
IRN 659127
Class Mark Leeds Papyrus 2
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Ms. document width 225mm height 890mm
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 1200BCE-850 BCE
Size and Medium 1 item

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