Catalogue of a collection of cookery books, compiled by John Hodgkin


Entries of books on cookery and house-keeping numbered 1-1361, as follows: Vol.1. Nos.1-155, A.,E. to Broderip, Francis Freeling; Vol.2. Nos.156-311, Brooks, Catharine to De Frederic, M.J.N.; Vol.3. Nos.312-485, De Joncourt to Glasse, Mrs; Vol.4. Nos.486-640, Glasse, Mrs contd to Irwin, Mrs Deb.; Vol.5. Nos.641-790, 'Isobel' to Lund, Miss Lillie; Vol.6. Nos.791-930, Macdonald, D. to Parkes, Mrs Wm; Vol.7. Nos.931-1088, Parkes, Mrs Wm to Salt, Henry S.; Vol.8. Nos.1089-1232, Sambon, W.Louis to Supper Dishes, & c.; Vol.9. Nos.1233-1361, Surgeon, An old militia to 500 cookery hints Each volume is in brown paper wrappers, with labels on the front


Identifier f887rd5j
IRN 6212
Class Mark MS 69
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Creator(s) Hodgkin, John (bibliographer)
Date c.1930
Size and Medium 9 vols
System of Arrangement Arranged in alphabetical order

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