A book of culinary and medicinal recipes in various hands


Original pagination to the end of the text only; pp.81-2 missing and a hiatus in the text. Thumb index, ff.1-5, extended from front fly-leaf; ff.54 to end, blank. Dated 1769 on f.35r. Signatures: 'Mary Leaghe' and 'Mary Lee' on front paste-down, and 'Mary Leigh' on f.22r; 'Henry Danvers Hodges Esqr' on front fly-leaf recto. Back paste-down marked 'Bath 1775'. Front board marked: 'M.L./House receipts/1767' (the date badly rubbed).


Identifier pm7r2srk
IRN 5910
Class Mark MS 894
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/pm7r2srk
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 17--
Size and Medium 1 vol. (68 ff.)

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