Recipe book known as 'Dame Mary Lister's household book'


Anonymous recipe book, known as 'Dame Mary Lister's household book', containing culinary and medical recipes, household inventories and religious notes, in various hands. Includes: (1) inventories and medicinal recipes by Mary Lister, some dated 1625-1635 (ff.11, 15-24, 39-40); (2) recipes by Grace Bellasis (d.1659), niece-in-law of Mary Lister (ff.28-33); (3) notes probably for or of a sermon on Joshua iii 20-21, dated 1625 (ff.158v-150); (iv) catechism on Genesis v-xxviii, n.d. (ff.145v-88) Signature on f.1, 'Ralph Crosbie'. Ff.85v to end inverted


Identifier bk7prp59
IRN 5181
Class Mark MS 621
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Creator(s) Lister, Dame Mary
Date 16--
Size and Medium 1 vol. (160 ff.)

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