Recipe book for the large scale production of cordials.


Contains 54 manuscript recipes for the large scale production of cordials, dated between 1764 and 1778. They include one for producing 30 gallons of Wormwood cordial, and others for rectifying molasses, making cholick water, and for softening rum and flavouring it. On pp. 1-2 there is a table of contents. Written in (probably) one neat hand throughout and bound in semi-stiff calf. The lower part of the spine is worn and damaged. The names of two earlier twentieth century owners are given on the inside front cover.


Identifier t3d661qd
IRN 8435
Class Mark MS 1694
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 1764-1778
Size and Medium 1 vol. (42 pp.), plus 2 loose folios inserted, manuscript.

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