Recipe Book


Anonymous notebook containing recipes, costings amd memoranda concerning wines, spirits, cordials and liqueurs, also a few medicinal recipes. Interleaved with blotting paper (some interleaves used). Entries dated: 1771 (ff.5v and 6v), 1772 (f.6r), 1778 (f.13r), 1781 (f.13v), 1782 (interleaf facing f.14v and f.44r), 1787 (f.16r) and [17]89 (f.16v). Blank: ff.30-43r; stub only of f.39. Secured with a metal clasp. 'Memorandum' on front cover.


Identifier dgd44h7b
IRN 5331
Class Mark MS 639
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 1771-1789
Size and Medium 1 vol. (44 ff.)

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