A recipe book in various hands, apparently of Yorkshire provenance, once belonging to Jane Beague [or Blague]


Contemporary contents list on ff. 1v-3r Stubs between ff. 60 and 61, and 64 and 65. Inscriptions: on f. 1r [1] 'Jane Beague [or Blague] her Receipt Book 1697', [2] 'William Jeffrey' and [3] 'Fred[e]rick Jeffrey, Greenholme, Burley, Wharfedale, Yorks.'; on f. 92v 'Hannah Overend 1801'; on f. 93r 'Burey Burley 1801' and on f. 93v 'Willi[a]m Wood, Guiseley 10 1859 and 'Willi[a]m Wood, Askwith'


Identifier b5d2z2w1
IRN 5873
Class Mark MS 871
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/b5d2z2w1
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date c.1697-1801
Size and Medium 1 vol. (93 ff.) with parchment binding on boards

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