An anonymous collection of cookery, household and medical recipes, mid-17th to later 18th century


Includes recipes from Lady Corke (probably Elizabeth Clifford, d.1690/1, wife of 2nd earl) (f.132); from Lord Justice Willes (1685-1761) (f.10); from the Gentleman's Magazine, 1760 (f.130); and a prescription from Mr Hall of Manchester, April 1758 (f.7) Erratic contemporary pagination; modern foliation; restored and bound by the Borthwick Institute, York, loose items being bound in, October 1981. In various hands.


Identifier ch23ygp9
IRN 5064
Class Mark MS 506
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date c.1650-c.1800
Size and Medium 1 volume

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