An anonymous recipe book containing culinary, medical and household recipes and memoranda, probably of Guernsey origin


Recipe attributed to Mr. Geddins, store-keeper of Fort St. George, 1836 (f. 17r.); list of ailments of the writer's children, 1820-1829 (ff. 18v.-19r.); form of bond for Sarah Gibbons, St. Peter Port, 1814 (f. 20r.) Watermark: ff. 1 and 20, 1811


Identifier k6khg43s
IRN 5608
Class Mark MS 584
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Date 18--?
Size and Medium 1 vol. (20 ff.) and an additional 8 ff., formerly inserted loose, all stored in 1 envelope

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