Manuscript notebook owned by Nanny Gummersall containing recipes


A manuscript notebook containing recipes, religious extracts and an account of a journey to Scotland in 1834. The book originally belonged to Nanny Clayton from Bierley in Bradford. She started the notebook in 1824 recording extracts from the Bible. Nanny married Benjamin Gummersall in 1829. She turned her book upside down and signed it with her new name and home, Nanny Gummersall, Dudley Hill. She then began to write in the book from the back forwards. Nanny’s first entry as a married woman is the ‘Christmas Hymn’ by the Reverend William Carus Wilson taken from the magazine 'The Children's Friend'. She continues with more quotations from religious texts. The book contains recipes in two different hands, neither of which are Nanny's, although there is a recipe on a loose scrap of paper for a 'Remedy for Ruhmatic' in her handwriting. Many of the recipes are for cakes or buns including tipsy cake, lunch cake and raspberry buns. There are recipes for dandelion beer, forcemeat and cough medicine. Pages appear to have been torn out of the notebook before the recipes. One recipe for Parkin is on a torn off scrap of striped white and green wallpaper. The notebook has also been signed by a ‘J Gumersall’ of Wyke who was probably a later owner of the volume and a relation of Nanny's.


Identifier bd8p8dqw
IRN 636028
Class Mark MS 2222
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record Cookery Manuscripts
Creator(s) Gummersall, Nanny, Gumersall, J.
Date 1824-1881
Size and Medium manuscript notebook, 1 volume

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