Miscellaneous Dialect Papers 3
This file contains a photocopy of Vivienne Furze's paper on the Devonshire dialect, from an unidentified publication, pp. 20-21; an ms. orthographic and phonetic transcription of Purbeck marblers' dialect by H. A. J. Martin of Cambridge; H. W. Harwood's typed list of similes in the Calderdale dialect (1960); a printed copy of T. C. Calvert's (i.e. Kit Calvert's) Wensleydale (Hawes?) dialect rendering of the Gospel of St. John, chapter 21, with black and white portrait of T. C. Calvert (undated); a mounted cutting from 'Old Cornwall' on the loss of dialect words in Cornwall (1960); a copy of the typed 'Studies in Early Modern English Newsletter', number 2 (September 1969), produced by the School of English at Stockholm University; mounted photocopied articles from the 'Northumberland Gazette' on Gypsy Traveller dialects in Northumberland and the Scottish Borders, including reference to the Yetholm gypsies (11 September 1970); a photocopy of Melvyn Bragg's article, 'Word of Mouth', from the 'Listener' (9 January 1973), [2] pp.; newspaper cuttings from the 'Times' and 'The Guardian' on Melvyn Bragg's '2nd House' programme on English dialects (6 January 1974); an ms. letter from Mrs. M. Haman to John Burns, with words to a Scots dialect ballad (10 January 1974), accompanied by a typed letter from John Burns to Stanley Ellis regarding the same (21 February 1974); Ralph Whitlock's article on West Country dialects, extracted from 'The Country Gentlemen's Magazine' (December 1974), pp. 724-726; a photocopy of a review of Melvyn Bragg's '2nd House' programme on English dialects, from the 'Radio Times'(14 January 1975); a newspaper cutting on Peter Wright's research into the dialects of Manchester, from the 'Times' (12 November 1975); ms. and typed correspondence between E. R. Wallace and Stewart Sanderson on the Cumbrian dialect word barrie (March 1976); photocopies of articles on the Lancashire dialect by Graham Shorrocks from the 'University of Lancaster Regional Bulletin', volume , pp. 5-6, and volume 7, number 22 (Summer 1978), pp. 12-13, and The Record, number 253 (December 1977), pp. 9-10; a photocopy of an ms. list of Norfolk dialect words, compiled by G. Skelton (5 February 1979), additional to those in Jonathan Mardle's [pseudonym, i.e. Eric Fowler] Broad Norfolk ; and a mounted newspaper cutting from The Guardian on Pamela Jane Grey's research into pit-talk, i.e. the language of Yorkshire coal miners (28 February 1979). File arranged chronologically, with undated items first.
Identifier | vhzx6tb9 |
IRN | 410867 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/19/29 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/vhzx6tb9 |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Dialect File |
Date | 1960-1979 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of photocopied, ms. and typed papers, and mounted newspaper cuttings. |