Schwyzertütsch: Bund zur Pflege der Schweizerdeutschen Dialekte


This file contains a copy of 'Schwyzertütsch' (Zürich: Verlag Otto Walter ag Olten, [ca. 1946]), a publication issued by a group of Swiss dialectologists headed by Adolf Ribi, concerned with the German and French dialects of Switzerland and their safeguarding. Contributions are in the form of short papers and articles, including a paper by Eugen Dieth on the Phonogrammarchiv at the University of Zürich. The file also contains a supplemental typed paper by Adolf Ribi, 'Kurzer Ueberblick über die Tätigkeit des Bundes Schwyzertütsch', outlining the function and activities of the Schwyzertütsch organisation (28 August 1946), 9 leaves.


Identifier qxkkwp8y
IRN 410870
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/19/32
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Dialect File
Creator(s) Schwyzertütsch
Date 1946
Size and Medium 1 file with 1 printed periodical and typed papers.

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