Working Papers: A Report of Speech and Language Research in Progress


This file contains an issue of 'Working Papers', a periodical outlining work in progress at the Speech and Language Research Centre at Macquarie University in New South Wales. This issue (volume 2, number 2, for July 1978) includes a list of personnel based at the Speech and Language Research Centre; a paper by J. K. Rosen on an applied research study into the audiological and non-audiological correlates of acquired hearing impairment; a paper by Eija Ventola on the structural components of language and their order in English casual conversations; and additions to David Blair's 'Bibliography of Australian English'.


Identifier kg3bklvb
IRN 410862
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/19/24
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Dialect File
Creator(s) Macquarie University. Speech & Language Research Centre
Date 1978
Size and Medium 1 file with 1 typed periodical.

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