Dialect and Linguistic Pamphlets


This file contains 19 dialect- and linguistics-related pamphlets, offprints and reprints, deposited in the Dialect File. Many include inscriptions from the author to Harold Orton. Includes: - Der Laut GmbH, Sprachplatten Katalog(Berlin: Der Laut, undated: 1940s?), 32 pp.; - Beatrice Honikman, Articulatory Settings, reprinted from an unidentified publication (undated), pp. 73-84, on the arrangement and movement of the speech organs necessary for natural speech; - R. J. Menner, Vocabulary of OE Poems on Judgment Day, reprinted from PMLA, volume LXII, number 3, September 1947, pp. 583-597, which uses two Old English Judgment Day poems to consider the possibility of using vocabulary to determine the dialect of OE poems; - J. C. Catford, Shetland Dialect, offprinted from Shetland Folk Book, III (1952), pp. 71-75, on the main features of Shetland sound-systems and continuation of certain Norn characteristics; - Bjørn Stålhane Andrésen, The Glottal Stop in the Received Pronunciation of English: An Attempt at the Acoustic Analysis of the Sequences -tl-, -tr-, -tn-, -tj- and -tw-, Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Historisk-antikvarisk rekke, Nr. 5 (Bergen: A. S. John Griegs Boktrykkeri, 1958), 21 pp.; - Edward D. Mysak and T. D. Hanley, Aging Processes in Speech: Pitch and Duration Characteristics, reprinted from the Journal of Gerontology, volume 13, number 3 (July 1958), pp. 309-313; - H. W. Harwood, Some Aspects of Dialect in Halifax Parish, reprinted from the Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, (unidentified issue, ca. 1959), pp. 27-39, consisting of a general survey of the Halifax dialect; - Harold Orton, An English Dialect Survey: Linguistic Atlas of England, reprinted from Orbis, tome IX, numero 2 (1960), pp. 331-349, including a page from the Survey of English Dialects (SED) questionnaire omitted from the original article; - William G. Moulton, Phonologie und Dialekteinteilung, offprinted from ch and Popular Traditions in America 1966: A Report of the Third Uppsala Expedition Sponsored by the American-Scandinavian Foundation, reprinted from The Swedish Pioneer Historical Quarterly (April 1967), pp. 76-92;A. S. Liberman, On the History of Middle English à and A, reprinted from Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, volume LXVII, number 1 (1966), pp. 66-71;John Spencer, The Anglo-Indians and their Speech: a Socio-Linguistic Essay, offprinted from Lingua, volume 16, number 1 (1966), pp. 57-70;Charles James N. Bailey, Dialectal Differences in the Syllabification of Non-Nasal Sonorants in American English, reprinted from General Linguistics, volume 8, number 2 (1968), pp. 79-91, with a typed sheet of addenda and corrigenda inserted;Robert D. Eagleson and Ian McKie, The Terminology of Australian National Football Part 2: D-O, Occasional paper number 13 (University of Sydney. Australian Language Research Centre, September 1968), 27 pp.;Karl Inge Sandred, Notes on the Distribution of Some Plough Terms in Modern English Dialects, reprinted from Studia Neophilologica, volume XL, number 1 (1968), pp. 80-93;Harold Orton, A Linguistic Atlas of England, reprinted from Advancement of Science (September 1970), pp. 80-96;Frederic G. Cassidy, The Atlas and DARE, reprinted from a festschrift in honour of Hans Kurath (1973), pp. 91-95, on the Linguistic Atlas of the United States and Canada project, and the Dictionary of American Regional English project;G. M. Story, W. Kirwin, and John Widdowson, Collecting for the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, reprinted from the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, volume 211 (June 1973), pp, 104-108, on the principles followed in collecting examples of Newfoundland dialects for this project;Martyn F. Wakelin, New Light on the R/N Stems in Germanic?, offprinted from Studia Linguistica, volume XXVIII (1974), pp. 109-111. Arranged chronologically, with undated items first.


Identifier d4xq2czn
IRN 410873
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/19/35
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/d4xq2czn
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Dialect File
Date 1940-1974
Size and Medium 1 file of printed pamphlets, offprints and reprints.

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