The Linguistic Atlas of England: Reviews and Articles


This file contains newspaper cuttings, magazine extracts and photocopied articles relating to the Survey of English Dialects (SED) and the publication of 'The Linguistic Atlas of England' (LAE). The file includes a review of the 'Linguistic Atlas of Scotland', Volume 1, ed. J. Y. Mather and H. H. Speitel (London: Croom Helm, 1975); Stewart Sanderson's 'Wordmap' series of articles, extracted from 'New Society' (17 August-14 September 1978); and the following articles and reviews on the publication of the LAE: newspaper cuttings from the 'Daily Mirror' (18 August 1978) and the 'Sunday Times' (27 August 1978); a copy of a Croom Helm press release (6 September 1978), announcing the publication date for the LAE as 7 September 1978; photocopies of articles from the 'Daily Mail', the 'Times' (2 copies), the 'Evening Standard', 'The Bookseller' and the 'Sydney Morning Herald' (6-9 September 1978); a mounted newspaper cutting from the 'Observer' (10 September 1978); photocopies of articles from the 'Liverpool Daily Post' and the 'Shropshire Star' (13 September 1978); newspaper cuttings from the 'Daily Express' and the 'Times Educational Supplement'(15 September 1978); a photocopy of Alan S. C. Ross' review from the 'Times Educational Supplement' (15 September 1978); a mounted cutting from the 'Observer Magazine' (17 September 1978); a photocopy of an article from the 'Ottawa Journal' (16 September 1978); two photocopies each of reviews by C. P. Snow in the 'Financial Times' (21 October 1978), and Anthony Burgess in the 'Times Literary Supplement' (27 October 1978); photocopies of articles from the 'Evening Standard' (28 November 1978) and the 'Observer' (17 December 1978); two photocopies of Randolph Quirk's article, 'Dialect Maps', from an unidentified publication (January 1979), p. 44; a photocopy of Tony Allen's article, 'Do your Scouts have a Word for it?', from 'Scouting' magazine (August? 1980), pp. 310-311; two photocopies of J. C. Welles' review of the LAE and the 'Survey of Anglo-Welsh Dialects', Volume 1, ed. David Parry (Swansea: University College, 1977), from an unidentified publication (undated: ca. 1978), pp. 39-43; two photocopies of F. C. Stork's and Language (ca. 1978); two photocopies of Charles J. V. Russ' review of the LAE and Linguistic Atlas of Scotland, Volumes 1 and 2, ed. J. Y. Mather and H. H. Speitel (London: Croom Helm, 1975-1977) from an unidentified issue of Verbatim (ca. 1978), pp. 7-10; a newspaper cutting from an unidentified publication (ca. 1978) and a photocopy of the same; and photocopies of articles from an unidentified publication and the Middlesbrough Evening Gazette (ca. 1978). Items in this file were displayed at the Harold Orton Centenary Conference, School of English, University of Leeds, 24 -26 March 1998, an international dialectology conference which marked both the centenary of Harold Orton's birth and 50 years since the start of fieldwork for the SED. File arranged chronologically, with undated items at the end.


Identifier vgc9z8qk
IRN 410866
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/19/28
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Dialect File
Date 1975-1980
Size and Medium 1 file of newspaper cuttings, magazine extracts and photocopied papers.

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