The philosophical principles of the science of brewing : containing theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors; and statical estimates of the materials for brewing, or a treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer; being new editions of those treatises, corrected, and greatly enlarged, with several new and interesting particulars...[etc:]
Errata at beginning.
Includes index.
Contents: Theoretical hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors -- Statical estimates of the materials for brewing, or, A treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer -- Tables and directions for using the saccharometer.
Related Records
Sibling Records
Laboratory text book for brewers
The bottling of English beers
Licensed houses and their management
Ferments and their actions
The theory and practice of brewing illustrated : containing the chemistry, history, and right application of all brewing ingredients and products
Origin and history of beer and brewing : from prehistoric times to the beginning of brewing science and technology; a critical essay
Observations historical, critical, and medical, on the wines of the ancients. And the analogy between them and modern wines. With general observations on the principles and qualities of water, and in particular on those of Bath
The principles and practice of brewing
A perfite platforme of a hoppe garden : and necessarie instructions for the making and mayntenaunce thereof : with notes and rules for reformation of all abuses commonly practiced therein
The curiosities of ale & beer : an entertaining history
Hops in their botanical, agricultural and technical aspect and as an article of commerce
Traité de la fabrication de l'alcool
Practical management of pure yeast : the application and examination of brewery, distillery, and wine yeasts
Licensed houses and their management
The whisky distilleries of the United Kingdom
The vintner's, brewer's, spirit merchant's and licensed victualler's guide : containing the history, theory, and practice of manufacturing wines, foreign and domestic, malt liquors; cider; perry; vinegar; spirits; liqueurs; essences; cordials, and compounds. An extensive collection of the most approved receipts.. Numerous important hints on cellaring
How to brew good beer : a complete guide to the art of brewing ale, bitter ale, table-ale, brown stout, porter and table beer, to which are added practical instructions for making malt
La levure pure en distillerie : nouveau système continu: résultats
A systematic handbook of practical brewing : including a full description of the buildings, plant, materials and processes required for brewing all descriptions of beer, both from malt alone and from mixtures of malt with all descriptions of unmalted grain. Also the use of sugars and all other materials, with full particulars as to hardening brewing waters, etc
The brewing industry
Public house reform
The Attorney-General, versus Messrs. Atlee, Young, and Bainbridge : Proceedings on the trial of this information in the Court of Exchequer, by a special jury, before the Right Hon. Lord Abinger, on Saturday and Monday, the 16th and 18th of May, 1835. From Mr. Gurney's shorthand notes
Theoretical and practical remarks on G. Blake's system of malting and brewing : confirmed by near 50 years' most sedulous study of its elementary principles... He particularly recommends a trial of his apparatus for procuring gas as a substitute for yeast ... to which will be added, a description of his new and improved sacchrometer, which acts without the use of any weight ... [etc.]
The theory and practice of the preparation of malt and the fabrication of beer : with especial reference to the Vienna process of brewing
Treatises on brewing
The brewer, distiller, and wine manufacturer : giving full directions for the manufacture of beers, spirits, wines, liqueurs etc. etc
A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise : with an abridgment of the said statutes, and a table of the rates upon the several liquors &c. shewing by what acts they are imposed. To which is added a table of allowances for common brewers, &c
Brewery management : being a series of articles originally contributed to the Brewer's Journal, enlarged and revised up to date; embracing the practical working of the office, malting, brewing, wine and spirit, mineral water, and bottling departments
An essay towards the improvement of domestic brewing amongst the middle and lower classes : being the substance of a lecture delivered at the Norwich Mechanics' Institution
A practical treatise on brewing the various sorts of malt liquor;... and the mode of using the thermometer and saccharometer : the whole forming a complete guide to brewing ... to which are added, general instructions for making malt; and table of the net duties of excise on ... beer
Brewing and malting in Australasia : being a collection of essays contributed to the "Australian Brewers' Journal"
A practical treatise on brewing, distilling, and rectification... with the modern improvements in fermentation ... interspersed with practical observations on each kind of fermentable matter ... and the making wines, cider, and vinegar ... with a copious appendix on the culture and preparation of foreign wines, brandies, and vinegars
A text-book of the science of brewing : Based upon a course of six lectures, delivered... at the Finsbury Technical College of the City and Guilds of London Institute
The history and the science of drunkenness
Manual of alcoholic fermentation and the allied industries
English hops : a history of cultivation and preparation for the market from the earliest times
The London and country brewer : Containing the whole art of brewing all sorts of malt-liquors,... In three parts. To which is added, a supplement
The English alehouse : a social history, 1200-1830
Notes on a cellar-book
A treatise on the origin, nature, and varieties of wine : being a complete manual of viticulture and oenology
Oxford night caps : Being a collection of receipts for making various beverages used in the University
The anatomy of drunkenness
L'eau-de-vie de cidre : constitution, production, procédés de préparation et de conservation, valeur hygiénique, et qualité de l'eau-de-vie de cidre
The philosophical principles of the science of brewing : containing theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors; and Statical estimates of the materials for brewing, or, a treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer; being new editions, corrected, of those treatises, with the addition of the use of the saccharometer simplified, &c. &c
Traité de la fabrication de l'alcool
Practical floor malting
The hop and its constituents : A monograph on the hop plant
Études sur la bière : ses maladies, causes qui les provoquent, procédé pour la rendre inaltérable, avec une théorie nouvelle de la fermentation
Brewery by-products
The manual of brewing : scientific and technical
The theory and practice of brewing
The family brewer or the art of brewing fully explained : containing all necessary directions for persons who wish to brew their own beer, whether strong or small; respecting malt, hops, water, &c. &c. with occasional remarks
The theory and practice of modern brewing : A re-written and much enlarged edition of "The art of brewing;" with a complete and fully illustrated appendix, specially written for the present period
Brewing and malting
The London and country brewer...To which is added, a dissertation on the brewery
A practical guide to malting
The art of brewing and fermenting and making malt : exhibited in essays and decimal tables : Also a description of the author's thermometer
A new and complete system of practical husbandry : containing all that experience has proved to be most useful in farming, either in the old or new method; with a comparative view of both; and whatever is beneficial to the husbandman, or conducive to the ornament and improvement of the country gentleman's estate
1000 years of Irish whiskey
A book of French wines
Anno regni Georgii II regis magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, nono... [etc.]
Guide to the analysis of potable spirits
Vinegar : its manufacture and examination
Wines, liqueurs & brandies : (250 recipes)
Distillation in practice
Die romanische Terminologie der Weinbeurteilung : Beiträge zu ihrer Entstehung und Entwicklung
Book of distillation
The chameleon's eye : James Buchanan & Company Limited, 1884-1984
A philosophical and statistical history of the inventions and customs of ancient and modern nations in the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors : with the present practice of distillation in all its varieties: together with an extensive illustration of the consumption and effects of opium, and other stimulants used in the East, as substitutes for wine and spirits
The history of liquor licensing in England principally from 1700 to 1830
Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Weines
A history of English ale and beer
Cylindrical English wine and beer bottles, 1735-1850
The curiosities of ale & beer : an entertaining history (Illustrated with over fifty quaint cuts)
Domestic economy
Anno regni Georgii II regis magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, octavo... [etc.]
Vinetum Britannicum: or, a treatise of cider and such other wines and drinks that are extracted from all manner of fruits growing in this kingdom : together with the method of propogating all sorts of vinous fruit-trees. And a description of the new-invented ingenio or mill, for the more expeditious and better making of cider. And also the right method of making metheglin and birch-wine: with copper-plates
Bibliotheca vinaria
Illicit Scotch
The spirit traders' and licensed victuallers' reducing table (Sheridan's reducing table)... showing the water required to break down each gallon from one gallon upwards ... [etc.]
Brasserie et malterie
A sure guide to distillers, and all dealers in spirituous liquors : for discovering the true proportion of water and alcohol in any proposed compound; and how to make it exactly proof, by a new-constructed hydrometer, and scale of lines, whose uses are described and illustrated by examples
Brasserie et malterie
A handy book for brewers : being a practical guide to the art of brewing and malting, embracing the conclusions of modern research which bear upon the practice of brewing
Removal of Mr. Thos. Grant's distillery from Dover to Maidstone in the year 1853
The principles and practice of brewing
Joan. Henrici Meibomii De cervisiis potibusque & ebriaminibus extra vinum aliis commentarivs Accedit Adr. Turnebi libellus, de vino
Irish whiskey : a history of distilling, the spirit trade, and excise controls in Ireland
The philosophical principles of the science of brewing : containing theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors; and statical estimates of the materials for brewing, or a treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer; being new editions of those treatises, corrected, and greatly enlarged, with several new and interesting particulars...[etc:]
The wine and spirit merchant's companion, and complete instructor to the wholesale and retail trade; containing several hundred valuable receipts from practical experience : with an essay on distillation, and table of the weights of spirits
Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked : in a treatise, setting forth the manner employed, and the various ingredients which constitute the adulterations and impositions effected with the different wines and spirits offered to the public, through the medium of cheap prices, by many of the advertising and placarding wholesale wine and spirit merchants, and gin-shop-keepers, of the present day. Also shewing the method by which the notice of the excise is evaded, and affording a variety of other valuable information on the subject
The London and country brewer : Containing the whole art of brewing all sorts of malt-liquors, as practised both in town and country; according to observations made by the author in four years travels through the several counties in England. Also, the method of preserving liquors in the cask, and directions to be observed in bottling them. In three parts. To which is added, a supplement
A practical treatise on brewing, based on chemical and economical principles : with formulae for public brewers, and instructions for private families
The brewers' repertory, fourth series, enlarged, for 1858 : being a descrptive catalogue of various new machines, utensils, instruments, and discoveries... in four parts
The complete distiller : containing, I. The method of performing the various processes of distillation, with descriptions of the several instruments: The whole doctrine of fermentation... : II. The manner of distilling all kinds of simple waters from plants, flowers, &c.: III. The method of making all the compound waters and rich cordials so largely imported from France and Italy; as likewise all those now made in Great Britain. To which are added accurate descriptions of the several drugs, plants, flowers, fruits &c. used by distillers ... the whole delivered ... for the use both of distillers and private families
The licensed victuallers' handbook and guide to gauging & stocktaking : a book of reference for licensed victuallers, brewers, wine and spirit merchants, brokers, auctioneers, valuers, appraisers, agents, accountants, auditors, and others
Anno regni Georgii II regis magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo... [etc.]
Licensed houses and their management
The manual of brewing : scientific and technical
The history and virtues of cyder
A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors: with an abridgement of the said statutes, and a table of the rates upon the several liquors, &c. shewing by what acts they are imposed : to which is added, a table of allowances for common brewers, &c
The private brewer's guide to the art of brewing ale and porter : particularly adapted to the use of the families of the nobility, gentry, farmers, and private brewers, with complete instructions for country victuallers who brew at home. Also, an account of drugs, tables of duties, laws of excise, the art of sweetening casks, instructions for making up spirits, purchasing wines, &c. On a plain and entire new plan