The philosophical principles of the science of brewing : containing theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors; and Statical estimates of the materials for brewing, or, a treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer; being new editions, corrected, of those treatises, with the addition of the use of the saccharometer simplified, &c. &c


Includes index. Contents: Theoretic hints on an improved practice of brewing malt-liquors -- Statistical estimates of the materials for brewing, or a Treatise on the application and use of the saccharometer -- The use of the saccharometer simplified -- Postscript.


Identifier ndph64kz
IRN 233489
Class Mark Chaston Chapman Brewing/RIC
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Chaston Chapman Brewing

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