The London and country brewer : Containing the whole art of brewing all sorts of malt-liquors, as practised both in town and country; according to observations made by the author in four years travels through the several counties in England. Also, the method of preserving liquors in the cask, and directions to be observed in bottling them. In three parts. To which is added, a supplement


Parts 2-4 have date: MDCCLVIII [1758]. Part 1: [8], 80; pt. 2: [81]-160 p.; pt. 3: [161]-248 p.; pt. 4: [249]-332, [4] p. Attributed to William Ellis. Includes index.


Identifier rmg95nmw
IRN 233545
Class Mark Chaston Chapman Brewing/LON
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Cookery Collection
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Chaston Chapman Brewing

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