Samuel Forsaith trade card


Elaborate 18th century engraved trade card of Samuel Forsaith mounted on card. Shop sign for 'Industry and Indolence' framed at top of card, depicting two pairs of workers with hammers. Trader details in a variety of typefaces with decorative flourishes within ornamental floral framework. Bucket hangs from framework to left. Transcription: INDUSTRY. INDOLENCE. Samuel Forsaith TRUNK MAKER, At Industry and Indolence, in Long Acre, London. Late Apprentice to Mr Smith, Trunkmaker to his MAJESTY. Makes and Sells all sorts of Campaign and strong Iron bound Trunks for travelling in foreign Roads, Sumpter & Portmanteau Trunks, Budgets & Trunks for Post Chaises, Cover'd Hampers, Canvas and Leather Valeeses [Valises] for Bedding, Leather Portmanteaus, Saddle Bags, Fire Buckets, Jacks, Powder Flasks, Harvest Bottles, Peruke Boxes, travelling Writing desks, Cases for Plate, China, Glafses [Glasses], & Musical Instruments, With all other Sorts of Trunkmakers Goods. Gentlemen Merchants, and Shopkeepers, in Town or Country, may be well fupplied [supplied] with all Sorts of Packing Trunks, and Hair & Gilt Nefts [Nests] of Trunks for Exportation, &c. NB. Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others, who fhall pleafe [shall please] to Favour me with their Orders, for any of the abovementioned Commodities, may depend on being dealt with for a very moderate Profit, and the Loweft [Lowest] Prices fixed without abatement and the Goods warranted as neat and fubftantial [substantial] as any in LONDON. William Clark Sculp. St Ann's Lane.



Identifier qrrmmc3c
IRN 718695
Class Mark MS 2241/4/2/53
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Technique engraving
Medium print
Support paper
Object width 155mm height 210mm
Parent Record Miscellaneous Trade Cards and Ephemera
Creator(s) Samuel Forsaith, William Clark
Date c.1770
Size and Medium 1 trade card

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