G. Daniell trade card (label)


Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card (label) of G. Daniell with oval vignette at top of card depicting man hammering trunks and seller displaying them to two customers in shop. Trader details in a variety of typefaces with decorative flourishes. Old paste on reverse bleeding through to front of label. Transcription: Bought of G. DANIELL, 34 Edward Street, Portman Square. Trunks for the East & West India Trades. Trunks & Imperials fitted to Carriages. All sorts of Strong travelling Trunks, Plate Cases, Solid Leather Portmantua [Portmanteau] Trunks, Morocco Trunks for Papers, Canteens, Leather Wig Blocks, Sea Chests, Pack[in]g Cases, Paper Boxes &c. Trunks Repaired or Exchanged. Merrifield & Downey, 50 New Bond Street.



Identifier byrchwhz
IRN 718690
Class Mark MS 2241/4/2/48
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/byrchwhz
Collection(s) Art and Antique Market, John Evan Bedford Library of Furniture History
Category Archive
Technique engraving
Medium print
Support paper
Object width 166mm height 105mm
Parent Record Miscellaneous Trade Cards and Ephemera
Creator(s) G. Daniell, Merrifield & Downey
Date c.1810
Size and Medium 1 trade card (label)

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