A Study of the Use of Dialect in Thomas Hardy's Novels and Short Stories with Special Reference to Phonology and Vocabulary
A doctoral dissertation which examines certain dialectal features in Thomas Hardy's novels and short stories, and assesses to what extent Hardy can be said to give a faithful representation of the dialect of his native county. The study focusses on features related to phonology and vocabulary. It was submitted to Stockholm University in 1972, and is number seven in the University's 'Stockholm Theses in English' series. The study comprises an Introduction, Part One (Phonology), Part Two (Vocabulary), a Summary, Appendix and Word Index. The Introduction outlines the aim of the investigation, previous studies on Hardy's use of dialect and works available on the Dorset dialect. Reference is here made to the Survey of English Dialects (SED) and the fieldwork in Dorset and much of the South West of John Wright. The author consulted SED material, including Questionnaire response books, during a visit to the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies in May 1971. The Introduction also covers 'The Wessex Edition', Hardy's familiarity with the Dorset dialect, the influence of William Barnes, the setting of Hardy's novels and short stories, the distribution of dialect speech in Hardy, phonology, Hardy's use of phonological deviations, arrangement of the phonological material in the thesis, vocabulary, dialect words and phrases, Hardy's use of (and reasons for) dialect words and phrases, dialect words in descriptive passages. Part One records the vowels of stressed syllables in the dialect (with sections on short vowels, long vowels and diphthongs), vowels of unstressed syllables, weak forms and consonants. Part Two presents a Glossary of dialect words and phrases. Summary comments are provided with regard to both phonology and vocabulary. An Appendix contains further words and phrases, and the Word Index lists only those words spelt in an unconventional way (and chiefly discussed in Part One of the study).
Identifier | vywhm163 |
IRN | 410401 |
Class Mark | LAVC/SRP/4/005 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/vywhm163 |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Non-Institute Theses and Dissertations |
Creator(s) | Baugner, Ulla |
Date | 1972 |
Size and Medium | x, 241 bound typed leaves. |