Wooden Industries


This file contains extracts and cuttings on boat-building, hurdle-making and other industries centred on wood, including D. Phillips Birt's article, 'Last Days of the Wooden Boat', extracted from 'Country Life' (20 May 1971), pp. 1224-1225; Basil Greenhill's articles, 'Wooden Boat Building: A Craft to Keep', extracted from 'Country Life' (9 March 1972), pp. 568-571, and 'Recalling the Age of Wooden Ships: Prince Edward Island's New Commemoration Centre', extracted from 'Country Life' (21 June 1973), pp. 1800-1801; Hugo Brunner's article, 'Relics of the Wheelwright's Craft: Donkey Wheels as a Source of Power', extracted from 'Country Life' (28 December 1972), pp. 1770-1771; William Seymour's article on sheep crib making, extracted from 'Country Life' (19 June 1969); J. E. Manners' article, 'The Waning Craft of the Hurdle Maker', extracted from 'Country Life' (25 February 1971), pp. 424-425; David W. Jones' article on the demise of Stott Park Bobbin Mill, extracted from 'Country Life'(18 May 1972), pp. 1234-1235; and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from 'Country Life', 'The Farmer's Weekly Almanac' and the 'Yorkshire Evening Post', on an itinerant chair-repairer, crowns of thorns made from hand-carved sections of wood, clinker-building in Northumberland, a tyre-bending gadget, a Scottish crook-maker, hurdle-making, stave-making, bowl-making and wood-turning and peg-making by Gypsy Traveller communities. Many of the cuttings are largely illustrative. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.


Identifier h6d73mml
IRN 410613
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/3/7/10
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/h6d73mml
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Crafts, Trades and Industries
Date 1959-1974
Size and Medium 1 file of magazine extracts, and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings.

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