Basket, Straw and Rope-Work


This file includes a photocopy of typed notes made by Rodney Cousins on basket-making, collected from H. Summers, basketmaker, Sutton-on-Trent (November 1969) and from Herbert Lloyd Johnes' 'The Basket-Makers of Sutton-on-Trent' , 'The Nottinghamshire Countryside', volume II, number 5 (July 1948), (3 leaves); John Malden's ms. notes on basketmaking at Burdekin's Baskets, Flushdyke, near Ossett (West Yorkshire) (1971), ([6] leaves); J. E. Manners' articles on trug-basket makers in Sussex, extracted from 'Country Life' (4 November 1971), p. 1224, and on spale baskets made in Furness, extracted from 'Country Life' (19 April 1973), pp. 1091-1092; a copy of Stewart Sanderson's article, 'Paper for Making Ropes', reprinted from 'Scottish Studies', volume 4, part 1 (1960), pp. 117-120; a typed memo on Sam Hanna's film on rope-making, filmed at Outhwaite's Ropemakers, Hawes (ca. 1962/1963); Celia Davies' article, 'Knowing the Ropes: The Growth of an Ancient Industry', extracted from 'Country Life' (5 October 1972), pp. 839-840; J. E. Manners' articles on ropemaking by hand, extracted from 'Country Life' (13 November 1973), p. 741, and the craft of besom-making, extracted from 'Country Life'(2 September 1971), p. 580; Maurice de Soisson's article, 'Taming the Great Ouse Floods' , on the use of mattresses in the Fens, extracted from 'Country Life' (5 October 1967), pp. 802-803; and John L. Jones's article, 'From Rush Lights to Table Mats: A Fenland Harvest', extracted from 'Country Life' (28 September 1972), pp. 745-747. The file also includes mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings from 'Country Life', the 'Sunday Times', the 'Sheffield Star and Telegraph' and the 'Yorkshire Post', on trug baskets; heather rope (or gad rope); the rope-walk at Newton Abbot, Devon; ropemaking at Outhwaite's, Hawes; a brushmaker's sign; hedging and hedging tools; and corn-dollies, including those made by George T. S. Harrison of Driffield. Many of the cuttings are largely illustrative. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.


Identifier bbsj8vb7
IRN 410615
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/3/7/12
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Crafts, Trades and Industries
Date 1960-1973
Size and Medium 1 file of typed, photocopied and ms. papers, magazine extracts, and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings.

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