Society for Folk Life Studies 1963 Conference Arrangements


The Society for Folk Life Studies held its Third Annual Conference at the University of Leeds' Bodington Hall [of Residence], in 1963. This file contains typed correspondence between the conference organisers ( Stewart Sanderson and Donald McKelvie) and the University's Conference Officer, travel and catering firms and J. Geraint Jenkins, Honorary Secretary of the Society. The file also includes draft and final copies of the conference programme, registration form and the Society's AGM agenda; and correspondence with the Vice-Chancellor's secretary regarding his speech to open the conference. File contents are arranged chronologically.


Identifier zk8hl78k
IRN 410906
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/3/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences and Exhibitions (Papers and Photographs)
Date 1962-1963
Size and Medium 1 file of typescript items.

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