British Association Exhibition


This file contains Martyn Wakelin's correspondence with Henry Douch of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, and Broundand S. Tonkin, Chief Fishery Officer for Cornwall, regarding the availability of a photograph of a bee-hive-shaped lobster pot, to include in an exhibition illustrating the work of the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies, which was to be mounted for the benefit of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at their Leeds meeting in August 1967. A copy of such a photograph was taken from a negative supplied by B. S. Tonkin ( LAVC/PHO/P0472), and a further copy taken and mounted for the exhibition (LAVC/PHO/PC0472, held in file LAVC/ARC/3/4). File contents are arranged chronologically.


Identifier sfyrm18z
IRN 410907
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/3/2
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences and Exhibitions (Papers and Photographs)
Creator(s) Wakelin, Martyn F
Date 1967
Size and Medium 1 file of typescript items.

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