Exhibition Photographs and Related Papers


The photographs in this file have been mounted in groups according to particular subjects. Thus, there are two sheets of eight prints showing the construction and use of a hay creel (including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P0805 - LAVC/PHO/P0811 - LAVC/PHO/P0814); one sheet of five prints showing butter and cheesemaking (including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P1574 - LAVC/PHO/P1556 - LAVC/PHO/P1485 - LAVC/PHO/P1534 - LAVC/PHO/P1540); one sheet of three prints showing farm buildings; one sheet of five prints, labelled Haymaking in Dentdale (including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P1100 - LAVC/PHO/P1106 - LAVC/PHO/P1083 - LAVC/PHO/P1110 - LAVC/PHO/P1096); one sheet of three prints, labelled Words and Objects [relating to the cowhouse, and including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P0258 - LAVC/PHO/P0292 - LAVC/PHO/P0259]; one sheet of two prints showing mowing scythes (including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P0998 - LAVC/PHO/P0993); one sheet of six prints showing hay sledges/rakes (including duplicates of - LAVC/PHO/P1092 - LAVC/PHO/P1056 - LAVC/PHO/P1017 - LAVC/PHO/P1071 - LAVC/PHO/P1060). The file also contains two oversize, black and white photographs, mounted on card. These are LAVC/PHO/PC003(drystone wall landscape at Malham , 1962) [measures 37.5cm x 30cm], and a photograph of Stanley Ellis interviewing Tom Mason of Addingham Moorside (original print at LAVC/PHO/P2164). The label originally affixed to the box in which this item was held referred to this as The Fieldworker [measures 46.5cm x 38cm; 49.5cm x 40cm with mount]. These were removed from LAVC/ARC/3/4 because of their size. The file contains a number of items printed to accompany the photographs. These comprise the captions Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies, Folk Life, English Folk Life and Dialects, and a typed description of the work of the Institute. Two further items comprise a typed list of ten tape recorded extracts (including a title, description, name of informant and location recorded), titled Yorkshire Songs and Stories, and possibly relating to the session Interviewing with a Tape-Recorder at the 1975 Oral History conference (see LAVC/ARC/3/3); and a typed sheet headed Possible use for future exhibitions, listing a selection of slides of material culture and traditional methods of work. These include salmon fishing, domestic architecture, dry-stone walling, cheesemaking, salving sheep and sheepwashing. The description of each slide includes an A or B reference number (i.e. original Institute slide cabinet references - see LAVC/PHO/S).


Identifier j924j9yc
IRN 410915
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/3/10
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/j924j9yc
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences and Exhibitions (Papers and Photographs)
Date [1960s-1970s]
Size and Medium 1 file containing black and white photographs affixed with blu-tac to 8 oversize card sheets; typescript captions on card/paper; and related typescript items.

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