Studies in Folk Life Exhibition
This file contains a photograph (LAVC/PHO/P2077) of part of a display board, showing the caption Studies in Folk Life: From Fieldwork to Publication and a selection of photographs and captions. It is possible that this display was part of the Society for Folk Life Studies 1963 conference at the University of Leeds (see LAVC/ARC/3/1). The main caption used on the display board is also held in this file. The other photographs in this file, possibly used in the same exhibition, were taken in North Yorkshire, and show cow stalls (PC0161, PC0162), the making of a hay creel (PC0795, PC0804), a horse-drawn mower (PC1043) and hay gathering activities (PC1081, PC1084, PC1095, PC1099, PC1104, P2076). Some of these prints bear ms. pencil notes on the reverse, giving date and location and brief explanations of the subject. These notes, and the size of the photographs, are similar to those in LAVC/ARC/3/10, and it could be that they were intended to be displayed in the same way as those in that file.
Identifier | dvxnlmnq |
IRN | 410910 |
Class Mark | LAVC/ARC/3/5 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Conferences and Exhibitions (Papers and Photographs) |
Date | [1960s] |
Size and Medium | 12 black and white photographs (various sizes), mounted on card, and letraset on card captions. |