Preston Guild Photographs


The two photographs show street scenes in Preston relating to the activities of the Preston Guild. The first shows decorations adorning houses and street furniture; the second a street party, with children seated at long tables. The label on the box in which they were originally stored lists the subject as Jubilee Celebrations 1952. The copies are dated April 22nd 1974. The photographs are individually catalogued within the LAVC Photographic Collections at LAVC/PHO/P1616 and LAVC/PHO/P1617. The photographs were included in the Photo File (under Traditional Customs), and it is possible that they were used for display or exhibition purposes.


Identifier z7xq951j
IRN 410911
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/3/6
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences and Exhibitions (Papers and Photographs)
Date [1974]
Size and Medium 2 black and white photographs.

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