M.Phil. Students
This file contains correspondence between Stewart Sanderson and members of Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) staff . Its focus is on arrangements for the supervision of students engaged in theses and dissertations following Stewart Sanderson's early retirement and the closure of the IDFLS, with responses detailing the students' progress and likelihood of completion. The file includes a copy of a circular letter sent by Sanderson to all relevant staff to this effect, and responses from Stanley Ellis, Patricia Bane, Robert L. Thompson and Tony Green (April-May 1983). The file also includes correspondence between Sanderson and an ex-student, Betty Stanz(August 1983); and an ms. note by Sanderson [?regarding a research proposal by Angela Templeton(undated)].
Identifier | q7ybl9r1 |
IRN | 409849 |
Class Mark | LAVC/STA/1/1/3/7 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/q7ybl9r1 |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Academic-Related Correspondence (Professional) |
Creator(s) | Sanderson, Stewart |
Date | 1983 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of typed and ms. papers. |