

This file contains correspondence relating to Stewart Sanderson's professional duties, and includes original and copy papers. It includes correspondence concerning the University Council (July and October 1961); correspondence and papers concerning the establishment of a museums curatorial training course at Leeds, and a typed agenda for a visit of the Standing Commission on Museums and Galleries (May 1965-March 1966); Sanderson's typed and ms. notes accompanying an invitation to the opening of a Leeds bookshop by Edward Boyle (November 1966); correspondence with the University administration regarding Sanderson speaking at a forthcoming freshers' conference (July-August 1967); correspondence and typed copies of the entries for the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) in the 'University of Leeds Annual Report's for 1966-1967, and 1967-1968; correspondence regarding the preparation of a document on Survey of English Dialects (SED) matters to be presented to a meeting of the University Grants Committee at the University of Edinburgh (November 1968); correspondence concerning the award of an honorary doctorate to Harold Orton from Uppsala University (May 1969); and a photocopy of a grant-in-aid request for the SED sent to Professor P. S. James of the Department of Law, University of Leeds (November 1969). File arranged chronologically.


Identifier nrwb8gbk
IRN 409845
Class Mark LAVC/STA/1/1/3/3
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Academic-Related Correspondence (Professional)
Creator(s) Sanderson, Stewart
Date 1961-1969
Size and Medium 1 file of typed and photocopied papers.

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