The singer of tales
"Originally published by Harvard University Press as Harvard studies in contemporary literature, 24". Bibliographical references included in "Notes"...
"Originally published by Harvard University Press as Harvard studies in contemporary literature, 24". Bibliographical references included in "Notes"...
"Källor": p. 294-296....
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to social activities. The answers of informant Mrs Hett reco...
This sub-subseries comprises completed draft phonological, morphological and syntactical maps produced for 'The Linguistic Atlas of England' (LAE); an...
Cuttings extracted from 'The Countryman', 'Country Life' and the 'Observer Magazine'on various types of carved stone and stone monuments. The subject ...
A thesis concerned with those Somerset cider-makers who combine cider-making with farming activities. The core of the study is the description of proc...
Items collected for a project on the Leeds tailoring industry, with related papers. A large proportion of these items are photocopies, and it is uncle...
M.A. study based on literary and folkloristic data gathered between November 1977 and March 1978. A Historical Introduction is followed by chapters on...
A study of the well dressing custom observed in a number of Derbyshire villages. The first of three chapters includes sections on the origins and hist...