Final Drafts and Copy


This sub-subseries comprises completed draft phonological, morphological and syntactical maps produced for 'The Linguistic Atlas of England' (LAE); and copy phonological, morphological and syntactical maps approved for printing. The copy maps are without legends and texts. The maps were compiled by Nathalia Wright, Clive Upton and Sue Powell.


Identifier m7tt3wsk
IRN 409819
Class Mark LAVC/LAE/1/3/3
Level Sub-sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Maps
Date [1974-1978]
Size and Medium 2 boxes [both part] with 16 files of maps.
System of Arrangement The maps are arranged to reflect the order in which they appear in the LAE, and also chronologically with map drafts filed before printers' copy.

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