Conferences Box 55: 2001-2002


2001: Sexual Violence Conference (Hull February) 2001: Amnesty International. Torture and Violence Against Women (SOAS London, March) 2001: A Sociological Odyssey, British Sociological Association (BSA) (Manchester, April) 2001: World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (Durban, September) 2001: White Ribbon Day. The Cost Against Women. (London, November) 2001: Gender and Violence in the Nordic Countries. (Denmark, November 2001) 2001: Domestic Violence Conference. Violence in the Family: From the Cradle to the Grave. (Wakefield, November) 2001: Unlikely Victims, Males victims of Domestic Violence. (Derby, December) 2002: Race, Gender and Violence in the Home. (London, March) 2002: Child Abduction to Islamic Countries and Honour Killings ( Manchester, April) 2002: Report of the Domestic Violence Conference 'Stitch in Time' 2002: Living with Fear (Bradford, November 2002) 2002: 'A Crime Like No Other' International Conference on the Role Of Specialist Domestic Violence Courts. (Leeds, May) 2002: Kampala Know How Conference. (Uganda, July 2002) 2002: Kirklees Domestic Violence Forum, Breaking Barriers. (Huddersfield, June 2002) 2002: 3rd Colloque International Des Recherches Feministes Francophones - Ruptures, Resistances & Utopians. (France, August 2002) 2002: From Violence to Independence: Developing Services for Minoritised Women Escaping Domestic Violence (Didsbury, Nov 2002)


Identifier yrx4xzg9
IRN 497829
Class Mark FAN/CONF/55
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences
Date 2001-2002
Size and Medium 1 box

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