Conferences Box 50: 1998 2 of 2


1998: Young Women and Prostitution (Rotherham MBC, March 1998) 1998: Violence Against the Person. Greater Manchester Police. (Manchester, April 1998) 1998: Who are the real criminals in prostitution? (Leeds April 1998) 1998: Women and Science. (Brussels, April 1998) 1998: 8th National Conference of Women's Studies. Survival and Sovereignty: Challenges to Women's Studies. (India May 1998) 1998: Steering Committee for Equality Between Women and Men (Strasbourg, June 1998) 1998: Exploitation of Child Sex Tourism (Brussels July 1998) 1998: The Big Ghetto, Gender, Sexuality and Leisure (Leeds July 1998) 1998: Know How Conference (Amsterdam, August 1998) 1998: Conflict, Gender and Violence. 3rd Interdisciplinary Meeting of the European Network (Uppsala, Sweden, 1998) 1998: World Conference on Family Violence (New Delhi, India) 1998: Improving Responses to Domestic Violence in West Yorkshire (Huddersfield Town Hall, October 1998) 1998: Strategies for Child Protection (Padua Italy, October 1998) 1998:Crime Justice and Public Policy (American Society of Criminology) (Washington, USA. November 1998) 1998: Ending Domestic Violence: Action and Measures. General Conclusion's. Council of Europe Information Forum. (Bucharest Romania 1998) 1998: First European Feminist Economic Conference (Brussels, November 1998) 1998: South Ribble Domestic Violence Forum (Leyland, Yorkshire, November 1998) Miscellaneous Flyers ~Lesbian and Gay Equality Manchester 2000 National Conference (Manchester June 1998) ~ The Power of Women; Negotiating our Identities,Trinity College Dublin, Women's Studies Summer School (Dublin, July) ~Gender matters (Manchester February) ~Women and Dissent (York, June) ~Families in Ireland (Belfast January) ~Inter-Agency Initiatives on Domestic Violence (Bristol, May) ~World Conference on Family Violence (India) ~European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, (Helsinki August) ~Raw Visions, The Magdalen Project. (Cardiff, July) ~Women and Science (Brussels, April) Coming Out? Reading the Anne Lister Evidence. (Leeds, November) ~Women on Drugs, (Leeds, April) ~Justice For Women: Male Violence Against Women- Women Taking Action. (Manchester 1998) ~ (Women Against Violence Europe)WAVE Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden. November) ~Intersections: Gender, Race and Science (Warwick, August) ~Healthy People, Healthy Communities, Healthy Planet. Young People and Prostitution.(Liverpool, March) ~Windrush '98- Closing Event (Leeds December) ~National Problem Oriented Policing. (Hinckley, Leicestershire 1998) ~The Crisis in Our prisons, Howard League, (Oxford, September) ~ Zero Tolerance No Excuses (Leeds Council Committee June)


Identifier rldy8h4f
IRN 662494
Class Mark FAN/CONF/50
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences
Date 1998 (March - Dec)

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