Conferences Box 12: 1980 2 of 2


1980 Box 2 of 2 1980: Socialist Feminist National Conference - Women's Oppression and Imperialism (London, Sept 1980) (Some papers donated by Sandra McNeill) 1980: Social Work Practice in Sexist Society (Washington D.C, Sept 1980) 1980: Yorkshire Regional Women's Conference: Women's Oppression and Imperialism (Oct 1980) (Some papers donated by Sandra McNeill) 1980: Socialist Feminist National Conference (London, Oct 1980) 1 of 2 (Some papers donated by Sandra McNeill) 1980: Socialist Feminist National Conference - Women's Oppression and Imperialism (London, Oct 1980) 2 of 2 1980: "Toward a Feminist Transformation of the Academy" part of the 6th Annual GLCA Women's Studies Conference (Nov 1980) 1980: Women's Liberation National Conference - Sexual Violence Against Women (Leeds, Nov 1980) 1 of 2 (Some papers donated by Sandra McNeill) 1980: Women's Liberation National Conference - Sexual Violence Against Women (Leeds, Nov 1980) 2 of 2 1980: Miscellaneous paper folder _The contradictory Position of Women and Their Relationship with Food -Lecture on the Family, Ideology and The Mode of Production -Thoughts about Sheila Ritchie's paper: Review of 4 Anarco-feminist pamphlets -Bisexuality and the Women's movement -From a Wife's journal: Monologue for PN -Money and Middle Class Attitudes and What Are We Gong to do About Them 1980: First World Congress of Victimology (Washington D.C, Aug 1980) 1980: 2nd Annual Women in Crisis Conference (Washington D.C, June 1980) -Transsexuality Radical -1980: Forum 80 - the 'alternative' Copenhagen equality, development and peace conference (Copenhagen, July 1980) -some thoughts on the Political Lesbianism Paper


Identifier y56yhxsv
IRN 662414
Class Mark FAN/CONF/12
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences
Date 1980 (Sept-Dec)

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