Conferences Box 39: 1993 2 of 2
1993: Women, Men, Children- Violence and Abuse. I day conference. paper by Jeff Hearn (Bradford, June 1993) 1993: Annual Women's Studies Network Conference (UK) (Northampton, July 1993) 1993: BASW 'Women, Men &Social Work' AGM & Study Course 1993: Body Politics – Control verses Freedom - Women in Law - Liverpool 1993: Homelessness in Britain and Europe: Innovative Approaches - Bradford 1993: Women and New Perspectives on Democracy in Europe - (Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, August/September 1993 1993: UKRHEEO – Seminar - Brussels - Europe 1993: Masculinity and Crime - Issues of Theory & Practice – (Brunel Uni, September 1993 1993: 3rd European Ministerial Conference. Strategies for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Society: The Media and Other Means. (Rome October 1993) 1993: European Women’s Management Development Network - 9th Annual Conference (EWMD) (Barcelona, Spain Nov 1993) 1993: Cleveland Social Services Conference on Domestic Violence - Stockton - Violence Against Women: Who's Problem is it? (Stockton, Cleveland, November 1993) 1993: Workers with family responsibility - International Labour Conference (Geneva, 1993) A folder containing various Flyers
Identifier | p963hpxk |
IRN | 497832 |
Class Mark | FAN/CONF/39 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Conferences |
Date | 1993 (July - Dec) |
Size and Medium | 1 box |