Conferences Box 36: 1991 3 of 3


1991: International Feminist Conference on Women, Law and Social Control. (Quebec, July 1991) 1991: Making WAVES in broadcasting - Summer School. (London, August 1991) 1991: Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights - London Meeting, Southbank Polytechnic - Women's Declaration on world population policies (London, September 1991) 1991: Calderdale Domestic Violence Conference. (September 1991) 1991: New Reproductive Technologies in Argentina. Conference Paper by Susan E Sommer. (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, October 1991) 1991: Working with Abused Women (Bradford, October 1991) 1991: Women's Action Agenda 21. World Women's Congress for a Healthier Planet. (Florida USA November 1991) 1991: International seminar – Gender Studies, Issues & Comparative Perspectives - (Moscow, November 1991)


Identifier qydqyvwq
IRN 497814
Class Mark FAN/CONF/36
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences
Date 1991 (July to Dec)
Size and Medium 1 box

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