Conferences Box 06: 1976


1976: Women and the Cuts Conference (London, Feb 1976) 1976: Third National Lesbian Conference (Bristol, Feb 1976) 1976: International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women (Brussels, March 1976) 1976: Future Directions for the Women’s Movement in Leeds (Leeds, March 1976) 1976: Equal Opportunities One-Day Conference (Brent, London, March 1976) 1976: National Women's Liberation Movement Conference (Newcastle, April 1976) 1976: British Sociological Association (BSA) Medical Sociological Conference (Manchester, April 1976) 1976: Conference on Wages For Housework and Welfare (New York, April 1976) 1976: British Sociological Association (BSA) Women's Caucus - Northern Region Newsletter, Re: BSA Annual Conference (May 1976) 1976: Patriarchy Conference (London, May 1976) 1976: Violence in Male-Female Relations: Anglo-French Seminars (correspondence only) (London, June 1976) 1976: London Area Women's Liberation Conference. (London, June 1976) 1976: Women in the Non-Violent Movement (France, July 1976) 1976: 2nd Women and Health Conference (Manchester, Sep 1976) 1976: British Sociological Association Register of Research on Human Reproduction for BSA Study Group on Human Reproduction; Bibliography on the Sociology of Human Reproduction - Ann Oakley (Oct 1976) 1976: Scottish Women's Liberation Conference (Glasgow, Oct 1976) (papers also in Janet Parry Collection Box 3) 1976: Socialist Women's Regional Workshop (Cambridge, Oct 1976) - papers are in Janet Parry Collection Box 4 1976: Physical Violence in the Family (Manchester, Nov 1976) 1976: National Organisation of Labour Students Conference: paper on Women, Sexism And The Labour Movement (Dec 1976) 1976: Women's Studies National Conference (Manchester, Dec 1976) 1976: Folder of miscellaneous/unidentified conference material: - Derby Women's Centre letter - Requiem for the Women's Movement (article by Veronica Geng)


Identifier hwm2j253
IRN 497789
Class Mark FAN/CONF/06
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Conferences
Date 1976
Size and Medium 1 box

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