Reprinted glossaries
Pt.1. I. North of England words; from 'A tour to the Caves,' by J. H[utton] 1781. II-VI. Provinicialisms, by Mr. [W. H.] Marshall: Of East Yorkshire, 1788; Of East Norfolk, 1787; Of the Vale of Glocester [sic], 1789; Of the Midland Counties, 1790; Of West Devonshire, 1796. VII. Glossary of words used in the West Riding of Yorkshire, by Dr. Willan, 18ll. -- pt.2. VIII. Derbyshire lead-mining terms: with a reprint of Manlove's 'Rhymed chronicles', by T. Tapping. IX. Derbyshire lead-mining terms, by T. Houghton, 1681. X. Derbyshire mining terms, by J. Mawe, 1802. XI. Words used in the Isle of Thanet, by J. Lewis, 1736. XII. Words used in Herefordshire, by J. Duncumb, 1804. XIII. Early Scottish glossary, from Duncan's Appendix etymologiae, 1595. XIV. Various provincialisms, from Hearne's Glossaries. 1724-25. -- pt.4. XVIII. Dialectical words, from Kennett's Parochial antiquities, 1695. XIX. Wiltshire words, from Britton's Beauties of Wiltshire, 1895, compared with Akerman's glossary, 1842. XX. East-Anglian words, from Spurdens' Supplement to Forby, 1840. XXI. Suffolk words, from Cullum's History of Hawsted, 1813. XXII. East Yorkshire words (supplement), by Mr. Marshall, 1796.
Identifier | wt2cmjb7 |
IRN | 338709 |
Class Mark | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture PRI/2/307 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
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Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture Printed Books |