Studies in honour of Harold Orton on the occasion of his seventieth birthday


Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Harold Orton: a biographical note, by S. Ellis.--Early work for the Survey of English dialects, by P. Wright and F. Rohrer.--The future of English dialect studies, by G.L. Brook.--Two studies of dialects of English, by R.I. McDavid, Jr.--The voicing of initial fricative consonants in present-day dialectal English, by M.F. Wakelin and M.V. Barry.--A diachronic-structural analysis of a northern English urban dialect, by W. Viereck.--The dialect of Filey (Yorkshire East Riding), by J.D.A. Widdowson.--Swedish speech in an English setting, by F. Hedblom.--Methodology of an urban speech survey, by C.L. Houck.--Contributions of British folk speech to American pronunciation, by H. Kurath.--Dialectology and the electronic drudge, by F.G. Cassidy.--Modal daren't and durstn't in dialectal English, by W.N. Francis.--Harold Orton: published writings.


Identifier h5pgl8bh
IRN 340244
Class Mark Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture PRI/2/379
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture Printed Books

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