Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society
[v.1], pt.1 (July 1898)-v.4, pt.23 (January 1922); v.4, pt.25 (April 1924)-v.15, pt.80 (1980); v.15, pt.82 (1982)-v.15, pt.83 (1983); v.16, pt.86 (1986). 2 copies of v.6, pt.38 (1937); v.6, pt.40 (1939); v.7, pt.42 (1941); v.7, pt.44 (1943); v.10, pt.56 (1956); v.11, pts. 61-62 (1961-1962); and v.13, pt.73 (1973). 3 copies of v.8, pt.49 (1949) and v.10, pt.52 (1952) Imprint varies (- York).
Identifier | tqd7w8kr |
IRN | 398453 |
Class Mark | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture PRI/1/100 |
Level | Item |
Type of Record | Archives - Book |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive Print |
Parent Record | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture Printed Books |