Studies in English philology, linguistics and literature : presented to Alarik Rynell, 7 March 1978


Contents: Björk, L. A., Courtly love or Christian love.--Danielsson, B., The birth of a legend.--Hallander, L.-G., Clearer than usual, as clear as usual, less clear than usual?--Hargevik, S., Daniel Defoe and King Charles XII of Sweden.--Jacobson, S., Adverb generation in a historical perspective.--Johansson, B., Gustavus Vasa, Robert Walpole and Samuel Johnson.--Lindblad, I., "La bonne vaux", "La princesse lointaine".--Lindkvist, K. G., Some notes on AT as a preposition of place in English.--Löfvenberg, M. T., The place-name Latchingdon.--Melchers, G., Mrs. Gaskell and dialect.--Minugh, D., John Gardner constructs Grendel's universe.--Rydén, M., The English plant names in Gerard's Herball (1597)--Tottie, G., Idioms with have?--Wijk, A., Regularized English.--Wikborg, E., The control of sympathy in William Golding's Pincher Martin.


Identifier qcq9rbwh
IRN 175921
Class Mark Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture PRI/2/286
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive Print
Parent Record Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture Printed Books

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