Just Women


The magazine for women in the South-West. Quarterly. 1988: (5) Jul; (6) Sep-Oct 1989: (8) Spring; (9) Summer 1990: (13) Summer; (14) Sep-Oct 1991: (17) Sep; (18) Winter 1992: (19) Winter; (20) Spring; (21) Summer; (22) Autumn 1994: (28) Autumn; (29) Winter '94-'95 1995: (30) Spring; (31) Summer; (32) Winter '95-'96 1996: (33) Spring, (34) Summer; (35) Autumn; (36) Winter 1997: (37) Spring


Identifier q3kwwgdj
IRN 478078
Class Mark FAN/PER/547
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/q3kwwgdj
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Periodicals

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