Women's Health Newsletter


1994: (21) Feb- 'chronic illness'; (22) May- 'addictions'; (23) Aug- 'international women'; (24) Nov- 'ageing' 1995: (27) Nov- 'disability'; Annual Report 1994/1995 1996: (28) Mar- 'women in prison'; (29) Jun (?); (30) Sep- 'environmental oestrogens'; (31) Dec- 'refugees & asylum seekers' 1997: (32) Mar- 'Turk & Kurd women'; (33) Jun- 'Food & Nutrition'; (34) Sep- 'prem menopause'; (35) Dec- 'polycystic ovaries' 1998: (36) Mar- 'FGM'; (37) Summer- 'alt to HRT'; (38) Autumn- 'breast problems' 1999: (39) Winter- 'bladder probs'; (40) Spring- 'gynaecology procedures'; (41) Summer- 'vaginal infections'; (42) Autumn- prolapse' 2000: (43) Winter- 'pelvic pain'; (44) Spring- 'health info on the net'; (45) Summer- 'self-help'; (46) Autumn; (47) Winter 2001: (48) Spring- 'fibroids'; (50) Autumn- 'vuval pain & discomfort'; (49 Summer 2002: (51) Winter- pelvic inflamm disease'; (53) Summer; (54) Autumn 2002: (52) Spring- 'hereditary health'


Identifier hq5y7mj3
IRN 478774
Class Mark FAN/PER/1243
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/hq5y7mj3
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Periodicals

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