Shrew: Women's Liberation Workshop


Each issue produced by a different women's liberation workshop group. Also have 2 pages of Vol 2 (3) 'Organizing Ourselves' 1970? The second set is incomplete and consists of 1970 Nov double issue; 1971 Vol 3 missing (2); 1972 vol 4 missing (1) & (6); 1973 Vol 5, missing (4); 1974 missing Summer; 1969: Oct; Nov-Dec 1970: Jan; Feb; Mar- special review issue; Apr; Jun; Sep; Oct; Nov double issue 1971: Vol 3 (1) Feb; Vol 3 (2) Mar; Vol 3 (3) Apr; Vol 3 (4) May; Vol 3 (5) Jun; Vol 3 (6) Jul; Vol 3 (7) Aug; Vol 3 (8) Sep; Vol 3 (9) Dec- special issue 1972: Vol 4 (1) Jan; Vol 4 (2) Apr; Vol 4 (3) Jun; Vol 4 (4) Sep; Vol 4 (5) Oct; Vol 4 (6) Dec 1973: Vol 5 (1) Jan; Vol 5 (2) Apr; Vol 5 (3) Aug-Sep; Vol 5 (4) Oct 1974: Summer; Autumn- 'marriage' issue 1976: Autumn 1977: Spring- 'goddess' issue 1978: Summer- 'feminism and non-violence' issue


Identifier g2bph8wm
IRN 478481
Class Mark FAN/PER/950
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - Book
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Periodicals

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